Women’s Health Spotlight: Comprehensive Care for Every Stage of Life

Regular check-ups and preventive care are a must for women of all ages. Not only do they capture vitals like pulse and blood pressure, they also monitor gynecology, reproductive health and forms of cancer more common in women.

An open dialogue with your healthcare provider is especially necessary for women. Studies have shown that women’s health concerns are dismissed more frequently due to gender bias. It’s a vicious cycle – many women expect to be ignored and end up not reporting their worries in the first place. In other words, not nearly enough women are receiving the care they need.

The right direct primary care provider will not allow biases to impact their decisions, and will work with women to foster an open conversation about their health.

Let’s explore common preventive care procedures for women at every stage of their lives. Have you spoken to your doctor about any of the following recently?


Women’s life stages are frequently divided based on the reproductive cycle, starting with menstruation. Each month, an egg is released from the ovary during ovulation, traveling down the fallopian tube. If the egg is fertilized by a sperm, it implants in the uterus lining; if not, both the lining and the egg are shed during menstruation.

If you have a daughter who is entering puberty, the right family care specialists can give her more insight into what is happening in her body. Doctors can address concerns about heavy periods, yeast infections and other abnormalities, as well as provide minimally-invasive physical exams.


A woman’s peak reproductive years are in her late teens and early twenties, with fertility beginning a slow decline around age 30. If women are sexually active at this stage, they may use birth control to prevent pregnancy. Reach out to a direct primary care provider if you need help choosing the birth control that is right for you.

For women interested in having children, a practitioner can help develop a pregnancy plan that covers the prenatal, childbirth and postpartum pregnancy stages. This plan will involve an overview of health history, determination of due date, medication options and more to ensure you and your baby’s success.


Menopause is a natural biological process where a woman’s ovaries stop producing estrogen and regular periods end. This life stage occurs for women around ages 45-50, sometimes even later. Hormone levels tend to fluctuate more, which can result in hot flashes, changes in mood, thinning hair and slowed metabolism.

Preventive care such as mammography, breast and pelvic exams are also crucial during this time. Maintain an open dialogue with your doctor about any concerns you may have while undergoing menopause.

Lifelong Care for Women

Regular physical exams are vital for women of any age. They provide HIV and STD testing, internal and external genital exams, cancer screenings and more to ensure that your health is on track. Preventive care is also important for women outside the reproductive cycle – check with your doctor to learn more about pediatric care and Medicare wellness.

Richfield Medical Group’s direct primary care team offers comprehensive exams for women at all life stages. Whether you need a family care specialist to discuss pregnancy planning or a practitioner to alleviate concerns about menopause, we’re here for you.

Women’s health has historically not been regarded with the care and nuance it deserves. Together we can change that, empowering women of all ages to live healthy lives. Contact us today to learn more.